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At 内容 & 通信世界 2011年10月,我在纽约 discussed content protection with a producer. He was adamant that his content was so valuable that it must be encrypted via a digital rights management (DRM) technique. It was good to have this discussion with the content owner, rather than a third party who wishes to use DRM just because some unnamed corporate content owners require it.

在这个制片人的案例中, he wanted to ensure that the content could not be copied and used without payment.

I showed him one of the latest products that does a perfect computer screen video capture. I played an HD video from a popular subscription movie site and elected to display it full screen on my laptop, 在这种情况下,通过嵌入式Flash播放器. Pressing a function key on my laptop started a live encoding session at 1920x1024 resolution, 它创造了一个完美的H.264 video file encoded at 1Mbps. 我停了下来,重放了一遍, and he could not tell the difference between the live stream and the just-recorded stream.

The producer correctly observed that not everyone has such a capability. 幸运的是, the stand we were at had a consumer HD camcorder and tripod, 我迅速瞄准了我的笔记本电脑显示屏. While this showed poor lighting and screen reflections, it was not hard to see that with just a bit of fiddling and with a little audio cable, 这台相机能拍出几乎完美的复制品. Basically, if there are photons and sound waves 参与其中,你可以记录下来. 制片人很震惊. He asked, “You mean I cannot protect my content?“不,不完全是,”我解释说. You could put a visible watermark on your video like TV networks do, and at least you’d know where it came from. You could embed a digital signature in the video to help track any illegal copy, but I don’t think that would survive the camera or screen capture process.

DRM has a long and controversial history, but 其核心是, 它试图回答这个问题, “How do you trust someone whom you fundamentally do not trust?” Today DRM seems to be used to satisfy contractual requirements (“just cuz”), as opposed to providing any real protective value. Some DRM proponents would suggest that most viewers do not have the wherewithal to make a copy of DRM-protected content, but those view- ers are not the ones DRM seeks to address. Those who would wish to copy such content are more sophisticated and can easily overcome DRM protection anyway.

So, why doesn’t everyone make copies of online content, whether the content is DRM’d or not? The online video industry learned a valuable lesson from the Napster era. 当时, consumers were being gouged by the music industry, and there was sufficient motivation to seek alternatives, 合法与否. Later, a la carte songs could be purchased for less than a dollar. 只要一块钱, most people would just as soon do it right and enjoy the convenience of iTunes and similar systems. The same is true with online video delivery. 一个合理的月租费, you have instant access to large movie libraries, and there is not much motivation to make local copies (except perhaps for offline viewing).

回到制作人. I suggested that putting his content online behind an appropriate monetization portal may be enough, as long as he does not gouge his customers on price — thereby removing the viewer’s motivation to cheat. But still, anyone who has access to the content can still record it.

在一天结束的时候, it seems DRM only serves to make illegal or unauthorized use of content inconvenient, and convenience has a price for both the viewer and the producer.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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